Monday, March 21, 2011

The Fortunate Fido Academy-Positively Positive Experience!!

It has been awhile since I have blogged but I have been pretty busy with life.   These past two weekends I have been at school.  Doggy school that is!!!  I am learning the ins and outs of becoming a well balanced dog trainer.  I figure I love dogs so much and I spend a lot of my time trying to figure my own brood out that I should learn more about helping others!!

So I talked with Ginger, the owner and trainer at Fortunate Fido where I have done all the training with my pups, about where she would recommend me going to school to do what she does.  And lo and behold she and a couple of her colleagues had been discussing putting together an academy to teach students all about being a completely positive trainer!!!  Talk about timing!!!!  

I am one of 5 students enrolled in the inaugural class of the Fortunate Fido Academy and I will definitely say that I have been impressed with the vast knowledge of my instructors.  I am through with the "classwork" for the first semester and now onto the observation hours.  We have to accrue 120 hours of pure observation of dog behaviors in classes, seminars, or competitions.   Coming from a medical background I personally can attest that a person can learn so much more by being out in the field of work rather applying the knowledge than just sitting in a room being told about the happenings you will encounter.

I am also a HUGE advocate of positive training.  I, myself, could never imagine doing anything that would hurt my dog, neither physically nor emotionally.  It just amazes me that there are still so many trainers out there that employ these tactics and what is even more amazing is that they still have clients!!!  I mean if there was a way to train your dog to be a happier, healthier, better dog AND you don't have to hurt them and cause fear in them why in the world would you choose to do so??  It just saddens me that there are companies out there like Sit Means Sit that HIDE the fact that they use shock collars from the public when they demonstrate how "well behaved" their dogs are....well yes they are well behaved....if not they are going to get shocked!!  What kind of life is that??  I am pretty sure I can have at least two of my dogs sit for at least a minute (ok that MIGHT be stretching it for Cali...but she is a Lab puppy!!) and she actually looks HAPPY doing it not frightened!!

Whew!!  Ok, off of my soapbox I step....though I am not going to stray TOO far from it!!!  I have a feeling I am going to be becoming more and more of a loud mouth, er, voice against these places in years to come.  

So the plan now is to continue observing (I have 22 out of the 120 hours) and start my reading list....that is if the books ever arrive (come ON, Amazon!!!).   I will keep you all updated!!!

Loves, hugs, and big slobbery puppy kisses!!!


  1. Girl, that is AWESOME!!! I am so excited for you....I know how much you love your pups, and I KNOW you will do an amazing job as a trainer!! Keep us posted on the progress.....GO YOU!!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! I really would like to eventually take Ginger's school as well, but for now I'll settle for taking non-stop classes with her, LOL.
