Sunday, July 24, 2011

Advocare Cleanse Day 1+2 Information and Food Log

I am using Advocare (you may have caught that since it is also the product that I have stated that I sell). I used to hate cleanses because most of them are all about only pills and liquid. This one allows you to long as it is clean eating (basically veggies and lean proteins, with fruits and nuts and eggs as snacks). Limited carbs but not eliminating them. You take a fiber drink in the morning 6 out of 10 days and end it with probiotics. Also, you start your day off with an energy drink...120 mg of caffeine (about a cup of coffee) and a ton of vitamins. I have not had jitters with this...and I am sensitive to caffeine. I don't get the highs and lows like with sodas and coffee just a very alert and energetic feeling. 

I have been on these products for about 8 months and most of the 25 lbs I have lost have been during this period. I have had so much more energy and it has allowed me to exercise more and that has alleviated some of my pain. I would not BS my friends about things like this or invest my time and money in this type of things if I thought it wasn't working. 

Ok with the intro out of the way...I am going to be posting what I have eaten and the times. 

Weighed: 173 
Rt Thigh 6" above mid-knee: 22" 
Hips (greater trochanter): 41" 
Waist: 36" 
Chest: 36.5" 
Rt Arm 5" above elbow: 12.5" 
Total: 148" 

**I used a new measuring tool from GNC...LOVE IT! 

woke up 9:30 
9:45 Spark + 3 Catalyst + Fiber Drink 
10:15 Vanilla Shake 
12:00 Handful of nuts/dried cranberries 
2:00 Seared Ahi Tuna Salad--Ahi Tuna, Mixed Greens, half avocado, half tomato....dipped in less than an ounce of pesto/wasabi/olive oil and drizzled with balsamic vinegar 
3:45 Spark + 3 Catalyst 
4:15 Celery and 2 tbsp hummus 
6:00: Grilled Chicken (3-4 oz) 1.5 cups steamed green beans with garlic sprinkled on it 

1+ gallon of water drank 

**still full at night time snack time. A bit worried about the lunch as even though I followed the plan was unsure about the sear and the pesto mixture as I was out at restaurant. I did have all the sauces on side and barely used any of it. Need to increase freggie intake. 

Overall feel pretty good about the day! 


woke up 9:30 
9:45 Spark + 3 Catalyst + Fiber Drink 
10:15 Vanilla Shake 
12:30 hard boiled egg + orange 
2:00 Spark + 3 Catalyst 
2:30 Mixed greens, cucumber, grilled chicken, balsamic vinegar 
4:15 handful of nuts and dried cranberries 
6:20 handful of nuts and dried cranberries 
8:00 Steamed green beans and grilled chicken + 4 OmegaPlex 

1+ gallon of water drank 

Well considering at 1pm I was asked if I could go to play darts right then...I threw my meals together in a bag and went. I should have eaten dinner earlier but the timing of travel was off so that was why there was back to back nuts. Considering I was in a bar and playing darts, I didn't drink and I still ate well. I will deem it an ok day. It could have been better....but it could have been heck of alot worse.

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